
Mastermate官方 2020-10-24

注:最新、最权威的申请消息,请认准 Mastermate ! 一直被模仿追随,从未被超越。













点击Create Account,注册账号








Application Type 申请类型


Standard 标准(如不属于以下的四种情况,标准类型的申请75英镑/专业)

Standard – application fee pre-paid (申请费已经支付/不需要支付申请费)

Readmission (针对牛津大学的在读生)

Rhodes Scholar - newly selected (Rhodes奖学金的获奖者)

Rhodes Scholar – enrolled (Rhodes奖学金的牛津在读生)

一般情况下,选择Standard, 点击Save and Proceed 转跳至下个界面








点击Save and Proceed 转跳至下个界面






点击Save and Proceed 转跳至下个界面



Title  头衔(Miss 小姐;Mr 先生;Mrs 女士;Ms 女士;DR 博士;Professor教授;Reverend 神职人员;No title 没有头衔)


Do you have a previous family name (Surname)? 是否有曾用名?(姓氏),按实际情况填写


Do you have a previous given name (Forename)? 是否有曾用名?(名字),按实际情况填写




Date of birth 出生日期


Sex 性别 (FEMALE 女性;MALE 男性)



Telephone number 选择China (86), 手填电话号码



Home address - Line 1 具体地址

City 城市

State/Province  省份

Is the above address also to be used for written correspondence? 选择Yes



Do you wish to provide details of a nominated third party? 是否提供第三方信息?选择No.


点击Save and Proceed转跳至下个界面



Country of birth 出生国家

Nationality 国籍

Start date of nationality 该国籍开始的时间(如果自出生只有一个国籍,点击Use Date of Birth)

Do you hold dual nationality? 是否有第二国籍?

Do you expect to require a visa to enter the UK for your study 是否需要申请学生签证?



Passport Number  护照号码

Country of issue 护照发行国家

Issue date 发行日期

Expiry date 到期日期



Current country of ordinary residence  目前居住国,并提供入住的日期


Previous country of residence 选填





With which ethnic group do you most identify 种族

What is your religion or belief? 宗教信仰 

What is your sexual orientation? 性取向 (Bisexual 双性恋;Gay man 同性恋;Gay women/lesbian同性恋;Heterosexual 异性恋;Other 其他;Prefer not to say无可奉告)

Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were assigned at birth? 你的性别认同与你出生时的性别相同吗

Have you had caring responsibilities for a family member for 3 months or more occupying more than 10 hours per week? 是否需要照顾另一个家庭成员,每周10小时超过3个月?

For another adult? 照顾一个成年人

For a dependent child or children under the age of 18? 照顾一个未成年人



Were you educated in the UK for your secondary education? 你是在英国接受中等教育吗?


If your primary or secondary education was in the UK, were you ever entitled to free school meals? 如果你的小学或中学教育是在英国,你有资格获得免费的学校餐吗?


Do any of your parents/guardians have an undergraduate degree? 你的父母/监护人有本科学历吗?


Which of the following socio-economic categories best describes the jobs of your parents or guardians during your final year of secondary education? 下列哪种社会经济类别最能描述你的父母或监护人在你中学最后一年的工作?


Parent/Guardian 1  父母或监护人1

Parent/Guardian 2  父母或监护人2


Did you undertake your undergraduate degree in the UK? 你在英国读本科学位吗?


What were your main sources of funding for your living costs during your undergraduate degree? 你本科期间的主要生活费用来源是什么?


Government grant/loan 政府补助

Term-time working 学年内的兼职

Personal savings 个人储蓄

Parent/guardian financial assistance 家长/监护人资金援助

Scholarship 奖学金

Needs-based University bursary 贫困奖学金

Prefer not to say 无可奉告

Other – specify 其他


Have you spent more than three months in the care of your state or local authority (including foster care, kinship care, residential care or similar government-sponsored care schemes)? 



Do you have any disabilities/long-term health conditions? 


Do you intend to apply for accommodation owned by the college? 


点击Save and Proceed,到下个界面。



Deadline reference(s) required by 网推递交截止日期

Title 头衔

Type of reference  推荐人类型(academic学术推荐人;professional工作推荐人)

Given name 名字

Family name  姓氏

Email Address 邮箱地址

Confirm Email Address 确认邮箱地址

Role 职位

Organization  机构


I am ready for a reference request to be sent to this referee when I leave this page.  离开此界面,系统就会向推荐人邮箱发送网推邮件。


其他推荐人信息相同,填写完毕后点击Save and Proceed,到下个界面。



Institution 学校 


Qualification (obtained or intended) 学位 


Main Subject 专业 


Second subject 辅修专业 (选填)


Actual /Expected (D: Distinction; P: Pass;Other其他。内地高校一般选择Other,并在下行写出具体成绩)


If ‘Other’ result please specify  具体成绩

Start date 就读日期

Have you completed this qualification and received your final award? 你完成这个资格考试并获得最终的奖项了吗?

Date of expected/ actual completion  预期/实际完成日期


如果有其他带学位的学术经历,点击add another qualification 继续填写






Have you undertaken degree-level study at any institution which you have not completed, excluding any qualification you are currently working towards?



Are you planning to begin, or to continue studying for, a degree at any institution at the same time as you would be studying at Oxford for the course for which you are now applying? 你是在牛津大学就读期间,你是否计划在同一时间开始或继续在任何机构攻读学位?


Have you a GRE score to report? 是否有GRE成绩 




Some of my teaching or assessment did not occur     我的某些教学或评估没有发生    

My research project could not take place/be completed     我的研究项目无法进行/未完成    

I was awarded an unclassified (ungraded) degree due to the pandemic由于疫情,我被授予未分类(未分级)学位    

I was unable to take up an internship or relevant job opportunity that I had secured    


Other     其他



点击Save and Proceed 转跳到下个页面



Is English your first language?英语是你的第一语言吗


Have you completed, or are you completing, a full-time qualification equivalent to a UK degree entirely taught and assessed in English? 你是否完成了或正在完成一项相当于英国学位的全日制学位,完全用英语授课和评估?


Have you completed a course under a United Kingdom Tier 4 child visa? 您是否已完成英国Tier 4儿童签证下的课程?


I am uploading with this application results for:










点击Save and Proceed 转跳至下个界面。





I have information on my alternative funding arrangements 资金信息

Proposed funding source 资金来源

Amount of funding £ per year (if known) 金额

Period covered (years) 一年

Status 选择Firmly secured



选填, 点击Save and Proceed 转跳至下个界面


上传材料,点击Save and Proceed 转跳至下个界面



勾选条款,签字,点击Pay and Submit

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