*帝国理工学院计算机计算(安全和可靠性)硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
计算机科学理学硕士(专家)个人项目 |
MSc Computing Science (Specialist) Individual Project |
2 |
进阶安全性 |
Advanced Security |
3 |
密码学工程 |
Cryptography Engineering |
4 |
信息与编码理论 |
Information and Coding Theory |
5 |
大规模数据管理 |
Large Scale Data Management |
6 |
网络和网络安全 |
Network and Web Security |
7 |
隐私增强技术 |
Privacy Enhancing Techniques |
8 |
分离逻辑:程序的局部推理 |
Separation Logic: Local Reasoning about Programs |
9 |
软件可靠性 |
Software Reliability |
10 |
高级计算机架构 |
Advanced Computer Architecture |
11 |
面向对象编程中的高级问题 |
Advanced Issues in Object Oriented Programming |
12 |
高级统计机器学习和模式识别 |
Advanced Statistical Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition |
13 |
复杂 |
Complexity |
14 |
并发过程 |
Concurrent Processes |
15 |
数据分析和概率推理 |
Data Analysis and Probabilistic Inference |
16 |
分布式算法 |
Distributed Algorithms |
17 |
基于逻辑的学习 |
Logic-Based Learning |
18 |
机器学习 |
Machine Learning |
19 |
机器学习数学 |
Mathematics for Machine Learning |
20 |
模态逻辑 |
Modal Logic |
21 |
绩效工程 |
Performance Engineering |
22 |
分权账本原则 |
Principles of Decentralized Ledgers |
23 |
概率模型检查与分析 |
Probabilistic Model Checking and Analysis |
24 |
量子计算 |
Quantum Computing |
25 |
可扩展的分布式系统设计 |
Scalable Distributed Systems Design |
26 |
工业软件工程 |
Software Engineering for Industry |
27 |
系统验证 |
Systems Verification |
28 |
编程语言的类型系统 |
Type Systems for Programming Languages |
29 |
高级计算机图形学 |
Advanced Computer Graphics |
30 |
高级数据库 |
Advanced Databases |
31 |
论证和多主体系统 |
Argumentation and Multi-agent Systems |
32 |
计算金融 |
Computational Finance |
33 |
计算优化 |
Computational Optimisation |
34 |
计算机视觉 |
Computer Vision |
35 |
定制计算 |
Custom Computing |
36 |
动力系统与深度学习 |
Dynamical Systems and Deep Learning |
37 |
图形 |
Graphics |
38 |
独立学习 |
Independent Study |
39 |
知识表示 |
Knowledge Representation |
40 |
行动调查 |
Operations Research |
41 |
普适计算 |
Pervasive Computing |
42 |
序言 |
Prolog |
43 |
机器人技术 |
Robotics |
44 |
仿真与建模 |
Simulation and Modelling |