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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
会计入门 |
Accounting Primer |
2 |
R在金融中的应用 |
Applications of R for Finance |
3 |
资产分配和投资战略 |
Asset Allocation and Investment Strategies |
4 |
衍生品 |
Derivatives |
5 |
金融道德与专业标准 |
Ethics and Professional Standards in Finance |
6 |
金融计量经济学 |
Financial Econometrics |
7 |
金融建模 |
Financial Modelling |
8 |
金融职业入门 |
Finance Careers Primer |
9 |
项目评估导论 |
Introduction to Project Valuation |
10 |
投资与投资组合管理 |
Investments and Portfolio Management |
11 |
宏观经济学 |
Macro Economics |
12 |
市场与证券 |
Markets and Securities |
13 |
金融数学 |
Mathematics for Finance |
14 |
金融业 |
The Finance Industry |
15 |
职业与专业发展 |
Career and Professional Development |
16 |
感应 |
Induction |
17 |
金融概论 |
Introduction to Finance |
18 |
数学概论 |
Introduction to Mathematics |
19 |
抄袭意识模块 |
Plagiarism Awareness Module |
20 |
学习技巧 |
Study Skills |
21 |
高级公司评估 |
Advanced Company Valuation |
22 |
高级金融统计 |
Advanced Financial Statistics |
23 |
高级期权理论 |
Advanced Options Theory |
24 |
应用交易战略 |
Applied Trading Strategies |
25 |
银行,监管与货币政策 |
Banks, Regulation and Monetary Policy |
26 |
行为投资管理 |
Behavioural Investment Management |
27 |
金融大数据 |
Big Data in Finance |
28 |
企业战略与动态竞争 |
Corporate Strategy and Dynamic Competition |
29 |
信用风险 |
Credit Risk |
30 |
创业金融 |
Entrepreneurial Finance |
31 |
固定收益证券 |
Fixed Income Securities |
32 |
保险 |
Insurance |
33 |
国际金融 |
International Finance |
34 |
算法交易简介(国际选修) |
Introduction to Algorithmic Trading (International Elective) |
35 |
从业人员宏观经济学与金融学(国际选修) |
Macroeconomics and Finance for Practitioners (International Elective) |
36 |
私募股权和风险投资 |
Private Equity and Venture Capital |
37 |
房地产投资 |
Real Estate Investment |
38 |
结构性信贷和股权产品 |
Structured Credit and Equity Products |
39 |
企业融资专题 |
Topics in Corporate Finance |
40 |
金融科技创新主题 |
Topics in Fintech Innovation |
41 |
财富管理和另类投资 |
Wealth Management and Alternative Investments |