*曼彻斯特大学环境、教育和发展学院国际发展:贫困、不平等和发展硕士(重复)专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
贫困与发展 |
Poverty and Development |
2 |
发展基础 |
Development Fundamentals |
3 |
开发实地考察 |
Development Fieldwork |
4 |
发展政策的政治分析 |
Political Analysis of Development Policy |
5 |
全球不平等与社会发展 |
Global Inequalities and Social Development |
6 |
了解发展研究 |
Understanding Development Research |
7 |
全球政治经济学 |
Global Political Economy |
8 |
全球经济中的工作和就业 |
Work and Employment in the Global Economy |
9 |
性别不平等:理论与证据 |
Gender Inequality: Theory and Evidence |
10 |
全球化,贸易与发展 |
Globalisation, Trade and Development |
11 |
贸易理论与发展 |
Trade Theory and Development |
12 |
小额信贷 |
Microfinance |
13 |
发展的政治与治理 |
The Politics and Governance of Development |
14 |
重建与发展 |
Reconstruction and Development |
15 |
公民社会与公共行动 |
Civil Society & Public Action |
16 |
城市不平等的关键问题 |
Critical Issues in Urban Inequality |
17 |
气候变化,灾害与应对 |
Climate Change, Disasters and Responses |
18 |
公民主导的发展 |
Citizen-Led Development |
19 |
发展宏观经济学 |
Development Macroeconomics |
20 |
经济发展 |
Economic Development |
21 |
迁移与发展 |
Migration and Development |
22 |
环境,气候变化与发展 |
Environment, Climate Change and Development |
23 |
反贫困转移 |
Anti-Poverty Transfers |
24 |
规划和管理发展 |
Planning and Managing Development |
25 |
发展金融的当代问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Development Finance |
26 |
南方城市的城市发展规划最佳实践案例研究 |
Best practice case studies in urban development planning in cities in the South |