*利兹大学美术、美术史与文化研究学院艺术管理及文物研究硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
高级研究技能 |
Advanced Research Skills |
2 |
高级研究技能 |
Advanced Research Skills |
3 |
口译 |
Interpretations |
4 |
关键问题 |
Critical Issues |
5 |
艺术管理和文化领导力 |
Arts Management and Cultural Leadership |
6 |
学位论文 |
Dissertation |
7 |
犹太博物馆与文化差异的展示 |
Jewish Museums and the Display of Cultural Difference |
8 |
未完成的商务:创伤,文化记忆和大屠杀 |
Unfinished Business: Trauma, Cultural Memory and the Holocaust |
9 |
电影,移民和流离失所者 |
Movies, Migrants and Diasporas |
10 |
交叉实践:质疑当代艺术与传统的交叉 |
Intersecting Practices: Questioning the Intersection of Contemporary Art and Heritage |
11 |
历险记 |
Adventures in the Archive |
12 |
遭遇事物:英格兰盎格鲁撒克逊人的艺术与纠缠 |
Encountering Things: Art and Entanglement in Anglo-Saxon England |
13 |
采购代表:当代艺术,东亚,性别 |
Procuring Representation: Contemporary Art, East Asia, Gender |
14 |
人类学,艺术与表征 |
Anthropology, Art and Representation |
15 |
个人指导学习 |
Individual Directed Study |
16 |
实习背景:政策,组织和实践 |
Placements in Context: Policy, Organizations and Practice |
17 |
创造力查询,交流和学习 |
Creativity Inquiry, Communication and Learning |
18 |
创意作品 |
Creative Work |
19 |
绩效与协作型企业 |
Performance and Collaborative Enterprise |
20 |
观众参与度和影响力 |
Audience Engagement and Impact |