*利兹大学传媒与传播学院电影、摄影和媒体硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
当代摄影文化 |
Cultures of Contemporary Photography |
2 |
电影和摄影 |
Cinematics and Photography |
3 |
论文与研究方法 |
Dissertation and Research Methods |
4 |
最终独立项目 |
Final Independent Project |
5 |
电视叙事 |
Television Narrative |
6 |
女权主义,身份和媒体 |
Feminism, Identity and Media |
7 |
了解观众 |
Understanding the Audience |
8 |
媒体与民主化:全球视角 |
The Media and Democratisation: Global Perspectives |
9 |
宣传传播的文化史 |
The Cultural History of Promotional Communication |
10 |
城市叙事 |
Urban Narratives |
11 |
修辞和公共演讲 |
Rhetoric and Public Speaking |
12 |
国际组织:语境,理论和实践 |
International Organisations: Context, Theory and Practice |
13 |
文化和地方辩论会 |
Critical Debates in Culture and Place |
14 |
故事工作坊 |
Story Workshop |
15 |
视觉传达批判研究 |
Critical Studies in Visual Communication |
16 |
国际电影工业 |
International Film Industries |
17 |
流行音乐与社会 |
Popular Music and Society |
18 |
传播与发展 |
Communication and Development |
19 |
身份与文化 |
Identity and Culture |
20 |
媒体与传播中的汉语文体美学 |
Stylistic Aesthetics of Chinese Language in Media and Communication |
21 |
跨文化管理商务 |
Managing Business Across Cultures |
22 |
专业目的写作 |
Writing for Professional Purposes |
23 |
文化政策 |
Cultural Policy |
24 |
影视写作 |
Writing for Film and Television |
25 |
研究媒体不平等现象 |
Researching Inequality in the Media |
26 |
真人秀:真理还是虚构? |
Reality TV: Truth or Fiction? |