*利兹大学教育学院教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
入门:教育中的研究问题和方法 |
Getting Started: Research Questions and Approaches in Education |
2 |
学位论文 |
Dissertation |
3 |
教育研究的哲学基础 |
Philosophical underpinning of educational research |
4 |
定性数据:收集,解释和分析过程 |
Qualitative data: processes of collection, interpretation and analysis |
5 |
定量数据分析导论 |
Introduction to quantitative data analysis |
6 |
上下文中的教育研究 |
Educational Research in Context |
7 |
英国小学全球学习 |
Global Learning in UK Primary Schools |
8 |
教育政策和领导力实践的当代全球挑战 |
Contemporary Global Challenges in Education Policy and Leadership Practice |
9 |
领导理论与实践的批判性观点 |
Critical Perspectives on Leadership Theory and Practice |
10 |
教育定向学习1 |
Directed Study in Education 1 |
11 |
技术增强语言学习 |
Technology Enhanced Language Learning |
12 |
支持语言教师学习的实践 |
The Practice of Supporting Language Teacher Learning |
13 |
特殊教育需求:全纳制 |
Special Educational Needs: Inclusive Approaches |
14 |
特殊教育需求:全纳课程 |
Special Educational Needs: Inclusive Curriculum |
15 |
发育障碍I:阅读障碍和发育协调障碍 |
Developmental Disorders I: Dyslexia and Developmental Coordination Disorder |
16 |
发育障碍II:注意缺陷障碍和自闭症谱系 |
Developmental Disorders II: Attention Deficit Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
17 |
从理论上讲儿童和青少年 |
Theorizing Childhood and Youth |
18 |
儿童和青少年研究 |
Research with Children and Young People |
19 |
学与教词汇 |
Learning and Teaching Vocabulary |
20 |
语法,学与教 |
Grammar, Learning and Teaching |
21 |
TESOL的师范教育 |
Teacher Education for TESOL |
22 |
评估语言学习 |
Assessing Language Learning |
23 |
TESOL的材料开发 |
Materials Development for TESOL |