*约克大学考古学系古建筑硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
研究和分析历史建筑 |
Researching & Analysing Historic Buildings |
2 |
建筑记录 |
Buildings Recording |
3 |
理解和解释历史建筑 |
Understanding & Interpreting Historic Buildings |
4 |
文化遗产原则和概念 |
Heritage Principles and Concepts |
5 |
保护历史的历史 |
Histories of Conservation |
6 |
国家塑造 |
Making the Nation |
7 |
展示历史建筑 |
Presenting Historic Houses |
8 |
虚拟现实和3D建模 |
Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling |
9 |
古代生物分子 |
Ancient Biomolecules |
10 |
考古学家的动物骨骼 |
Animal Bones for Archaeologists |
11 |
大西洋英国殖民主义的考古学 |
Archaeologies of Colonialism in the British Atlantic World |
12 |
文物和材料分析 |
Artefacts and Materials Analysis |
13 |
人类的进化 |
Becoming Human |
14 |
建筑保护项目 |
Building Conservation Projects |
15 |
博物馆的当代问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Museums |
16 |
考古实践的批判性方法 |
Critical Approaches to Archaeological Practice |
17 |
考古学数据科学 |
Data Science for Archaeology |
18 |
罗马世界的死亡、埋葬和纪念 |
Death, Burial and Commemoration in the Roman World |
19 |
丧葬考古学的讨论 |
Debates in Funerary Archaeology |
20 |
考古学的数字化方法 |
Digital Approaches to Archaeology |
21 |
数字创意 |
Digital Creativity |
22 |
实验考古学 |
Experimental Archaeology |
23 |
GIS和空间分析 |
GIS and spatial analysis |
24 |
景观测量和地球物理学 |
Landscape Survey and Geophysics |
25 |
铁器时代的生与死 |
Life and Death in Iron Age Britain and Ireland |
26 |
中世纪的定居和社区 |
Medieval Settlement and Communities |
27 |
中石器时代的生与死 |
Mesolithic Life and Death |
28 |
博物馆、受众和解释 |
Museums, Audiences & Interpretation |
29 |
考古学中的植物 |
Plants in Archaeology |
30 |
史前艺术:起源和转变 |
Prehistoric Art: Origins and Transitions |
31 |
罗马考古学:古代过去,现今问题 |
Roman Archaeology: Ancient pasts, current issues |
32 |
罗马欧洲 |
Roman Europe |
33 |
过去健康的骨骼证据 |
Skeletal Evidence for Health in the Past |
34 |
可持续建筑 |
Sustainable Buildings |
35 |
可持续性I:可持续性的定义和评估方法 |
Sustainability I: definitions of sustainability & methods of assessment |
36 |
可持续性II:理解随时间变化的可持续性 |
Sustainability II: understanding sustainability as change through time |
37 |
可持续保护挑战 |
Sustainable Conservation Challenges |
38 |
古代凯尔特人:铁器时代的考古学与身份认同 |
The Ancient Celts: Archaeology and Identity in Iron Age Europe |
39 |
人类骨骼的考古学 |
The Archaeology of the Human Skeleton |
40 |
罗马宗教的考古学 |
The Archaeology of Roman Religion |
41 |
维京时代:人物、地点、事物 |
The Viking Age: People, Places, Things |
42 |
通过物质文化思考 |
Thinking through Material Culture |
43 |
环境考古学的背景 |
Zooarchaeology in Context |
44 |
论文 |
Dissertation |