*埃克塞特大学人文学院英国文学研究硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
毕业论文 |
Dissertation |
2 |
帝国、颓废与现代性:1870-1910年的文学 |
Empire, Decadence and Modernity: Literature 1870-1910 |
3 |
现代主义与物质文化 |
Modernism and Material Culture |
4 |
冷战美国的文学 |
The Literature of Cold War America |
5 |
出版与权力:英国黑人和亚裔文学网络 |
Publishing and Power: Black and Asian Literary Networks in the UK |
6 |
跨越中世纪的界限 |
Crossing Medieval Boundaries |
7 |
世界文学与后殖民研究 |
World Literature and Postcolonial Studies |
8 |
全球声音:莎士比亚与早期现代世界 |
Global Voices: Shakespeare and the Early Modern World |
9 |
政治身体:1603-1679年英格兰的文化与性政治 |
Bodies Politic: Cultural and Sexual Politics in England, 1603-1679 |
10 |
批评与理论:全球背景下的批评与文学理论 |
Criticism and Theory: Critical and Literary Theory in a Global Context |
11 |
世界电影/世界文学 |
World Cinema / World Literature |
12 |
扩展酷儿性别:理论、文学、电影和电视的批评辩论 |
Expanding Queerness: Critical Debates in Theory, Literature, Film and Television |
13 |
写作中世纪英国的女性 |
Writing Women in the English Middle Ages |
14 |
早期现代戏剧的环境 |
Environments of Early Modern Drama |
15 |
事件的诗学 - 建构情节 |
The Poetry of Events - Building a Plot |
16 |
现实主义的结构 |
The Structures of Realism |
17 |
写作自然:生态学、地点、回忆录(创意写作) |
Writing Nature: Ecology, Place, Memoir (Creative Writing) |
18 |
散文写作工作坊 |
Prose Writing Workshop |
19 |
出版与权力:英国黑人和亚裔文学网络 |
Publishing and Power: Black and Asian Literary Networks in the UK |
20 |
电影编剧写作 |
Writing for the Screen |
21 |
形象、形状与音乐 |
Image, Shape and Music |
22 |
为地球写作:创意写作与气候和生态活动 |
Writing for the Planet: Creative Writing as Climate and Ecological Activism |