*埃塞克斯大学语言学院翻译,口译和字幕制作硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
翻译原理 |
Principles of Translation and Interpreting |
2 |
字幕:原则与实践 |
Subtitling: Principles and Practice |
3 |
论文 |
Dissertation |
4 |
技术翻译 |
Technologies of Translation |
5 |
作业写作和论文准备 |
Assignment Writing and Dissertation Preparation |
6 |
翻译作品集一(法语) |
Translation Portfolio I (French) |
7 |
翻译作品集II(法语) |
Translation Portfolio II (French) |
8 |
一级口译(法语) |
Interpreting Practice I (French) |
9 |
口译实务II(法文) |
Interpreting Practice II (French) |
10 |
翻译作品集一(德文) |
Translation Portfolio I (German) |
11 |
翻译作品集II(德文) |
Translation Portfolio II (German) |
12 |
一级口译(德语) |
Interpreting Practice I (German) |
13 |
口译实务II(德文) |
Interpreting Practice II (German) |
14 |
一级翻译作品集(葡萄牙文) |
Translation Portfolio I (Portuguese) |
15 |
二级翻译作品集(葡萄牙文) |
Translation Portfolio II (Portuguese) |
16 |
一级口译(葡萄牙语) |
Interpreting Practice I (Portuguese) |
17 |
二级口译(葡萄牙语) |
Interpreting Practice II (Portuguese) |
18 |
翻译作品集一(西班牙文) |
Translation Portfolio I (Spanish) |
19 |
翻译作品集II(西班牙文) |
Translation Portfolio II (Spanish) |
20 |
一级口译(西班牙语) |
Interpreting Practice I (Spanish) |
21 |
口译实务II(西班牙文) |
Interpreting Practice II (Spanish) |
22 |
翻译作品集一(阿拉伯文) |
Translation Portfolio I (Arabic) |
23 |
翻译作品集II(阿拉伯文) |
Translation Portfolio II (Arabic) |
24 |
翻译作品集I(意大利语) |
Translation Portfolio I (Italian) |
25 |
翻译作品集II(意大利语) |
Translation Portfolio II (Italian) |
26 |
一级口译(意大利语) |
Interpreting Practice I (Italian) |
27 |
二级口译(意大利语) |
Interpreting Practice II (Italian) |
28 |
翻译、后期编辑技术 |
Technologies of Translation II and Post Editing |
29 |
视听翻译 |
Audiovisual Translation |
30 |
跨文化传播:跨语言和文化传播 |
Intercultural Communication: communicating across languages and cultures |
31 |
语言和人权 |
Language and Human Rights |