*澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算机科学学院电气工程工程硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
专业实践1 |
Professional Practice 1 |
2 |
专业实践2 |
Professional Practice 2 |
3 |
系统工程概论 |
Introduction to Systems Engineering |
4 |
系统建模 |
Systems Modelling |
5 |
小组项目 |
Group Project |
6 |
电力系统与电力电子 |
Power Systems and Power Electronics |
7 |
控制系统 |
Control Systems |
8 |
数字系统和微处理器 |
Digital Systems and Microprocessors |
9 |
系统动力学 |
Systems Dynamics |
10 |
半导体类 |
Semiconductors |
11 |
光纤通讯系统 |
Fibre Optics Communication Systems |
12 |
能源与可再生技术 |
Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
13 |
光伏技术 |
Photovoltaic Technologies |
14 |
计算机视觉 |
Computer Vision |
15 |
无线通讯 |
Wireless Communications |
16 |
数字信号处理 |
Digital Signal Processing |
17 |
数字通讯 |
Digital Communications |
18 |
机器人技术 |
Robotics |
19 |
数据通讯网络 |
Data Communication Networks |
20 |
网络优化与控制 |
Network Optimisation and Control |
21 |
先进控制系统 |
Advanced Control Systems |
22 |
信息论 |
Information Theory |
23 |
工程数据分析 |
Engineering Data Analytics |
24 |
机电一体化系统中的高级主题 |
Advanced Topics in Mechatronics Systems |
25 |
嵌入式系统和实时数字信号处理 |
Embedded Systems and Real Time Digital Signal Processing |
26 |
工程中的概率和随机过程 |
Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering |
27 |
通信和信号处理高级主题 |
Advanced Topics in Communications and Signal Processing |
28 |
光伏电站 |
Photovoltaic Power Plants |
29 |
将可再生能源整合到电力系统和微电网中 |
Integration of Renewable Energy into Power Systems and Microgrids |
30 |
工业能源效率与脱碳 |
Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation |
31 |
先进电源系统 |
Advanced Power Systems |
32 |
结构化编程或科学家编程 |
Structured Programming OR Programming for Scientists |
33 |
系统,网络与并发 |
Systems, Networks and Concurrency |
34 |
逻辑 |
Logic |
35 |
人工智能 |
Artificial Intelligence |
36 |
高性能科学计算 |
High Performance Scientific Computing |
37 |
机器学习导论 |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
38 |
并联系统 |
Parallel Systems |
39 |
统计机器学习 |
Statistical Machine Learning |
40 |
社会科学方法和数据类型简介 |
Introduction to Social Science Methods and Types of Data |
41 |
使用数据回答政策问题和评估政策 |
Using Data to Answer Policy Questions and Evaluate Policy |
42 |
社会研究实践 |
Social Research Practice |
43 |
GIS与空间分析 |
GIS and Spatial Analysis |
44 |
参与式资源管理:与社区和利益相关者合作 |
Participatory Resource Management: Working with Communities and Stakeholders |