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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
回归建模 |
Regression Modelling |
2 |
数理统计原理 |
Principles of Mathematical Statistics |
3 |
随机过程简介 |
Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
4 |
贝叶斯数据分析简介 |
Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis |
5 |
图形数据分析 |
Graphical Data Analysis |
6 |
广义线性模型 |
Generalised Linear Models |
7 |
统计学习 |
Statistical Learning |
8 |
统计推断 |
Statistical Inference |
9 |
高级随机过程 |
Advanced Stochastic Processes |
10 |
大数据统计 |
Big Data Statistics |
11 |
随机建模 |
Stochastic Modelling |
12 |
实验和调查设计 |
Design of Experiments and Surveys |
13 |
生存模型 |
Survival Models |
14 |
高级统计学习 |
Advanced Statistical Learning |
15 |
应用时间序列分析 |
Applied Time Series Analysis |
16 |
生物统计学 |
Biostatistics |
17 |
高等数学统计学 |
Advanced Mathematical Statistics |
18 |
关系数据库 |
Relational Databases |
19 |
信息论 |
Information Theory |
20 |
数据管理,分析和安全性简介 |
Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security |
21 |
文件分析 |
Document Analysis |
22 |
机器学习导论 |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
23 |
结构化程序设计 |
Structured Programming |
24 |
科学家编程 |
Programming for Scientists |
25 |
数据挖掘 |
Data Mining |
26 |
神经网络,深度学习和生物启发式计算 |
Neural Networks, Deep Learning and Bio-inspired Computing |
27 |
数据整理 |
Data Wrangling |
28 |
统计机器学习 |
Statistical Machine Learning |
29 |
网络科学的计算方法 |
Computational Methods for Network Science |
30 |
经济学和金融经济学的优化 |
Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics |
31 |
应用微观计量经济学 |
Applied micro-econometrics |
32 |
计量经济学方法与建模 |
Econometric Methods and Modelling |