序号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 |
1 | 文化与发展 | Culture and Development |
2 | 性别与跨文化视角 | Gender and Cross-Cultural perspective |
3 | 跨境:移民,身份和生计 | Crossing Borders: Migration, Identity and Livelihood |
4 | 暴力与恐怖 | Violence and Terror |
5 | 阿拉伯时事和媒体阿拉伯语 | Arab Current Affairs and Media Arabic |
6 | 艺术,战争与冲突 | Art, War and Conflict |
7 | 人类安全:冲突,流离失所与和平建设 | Human Security: Conflict, Displacement and Peace Building |
8 | 东南亚民主 | Democracy in Southeast Asia |
9 | 东亚流行文化 | Popular Culture in East Asia |
10 | 世界历史上的东南亚 | Southeast Asia in World History |
11 | 亚洲语言(L) | Language in Asia (L) |
12 | 印度尼西亚的流行文化 | Popular Cultures in Indonesia |
13 | 我们世界的腐败 | Corruption in our World |
14 | 网络犯罪:简介 | Cybercrime: An Introduction |
15 | 帝国及其小说 | Empire and its Fictions |
16 | 世界能源与可再生技术 | World Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
17 | 社会与环境变化 | Society and Environmental Change |
18 | 国际环境政策 | International Environmental Policy |
19 | 环境与社会:可持续发展地理 | Environment and Society: Geography of Sustainability |
20 | 可持续发展 | Sustainable Development |
21 | 论文 | Thesis |