*墨尔本大学墨尔本法学院公共和国际法硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
比较人权法 |
Comparative Human Rights Law |
2 |
联邦管辖 |
Federal Jurisdiction |
3 |
言论自由的 |
Freedom of Speech |
4 |
政府责任 |
Government Liability |
5 |
司法推理 |
Judicial Reasoning |
6 |
法律及公共行政 |
Law and Public Administration |
7 |
法律的民主 |
Law of Democracy |
8 |
多层次的政府 |
Multi-level Government |
9 |
规管政策及实务 |
Regulatory Policy and Practice |
10 |
皇家委员会和公众调查 |
Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries |
11 |
21世纪的法令 |
Statutes in the 21st Century |
12 |
城市、法律和全球治理 |
Cities, Law and Global Governance |
13 |
比较自主权利 |
Comparative Indigenous Rights |
14 |
国际刑事法律 |
International Criminal Law |
15 |
国际人道主义法 |
International Humanitarian Law |
16 |
国际法 |
International Law |
17 |
国际法和武装暴力 |
International Law and Armed Violence |
18 |
国际法与发展 |
International Law and Development |
19 |
国际法和国际关系 |
International Law and International Relations |
20 |
国际法律实习 |
International Legal Internship |
21 |
移民、散居和法律 |
Migration, Diasporas and the Law |
22 |
冲突后国家建设 |
Post-Conflict State-Building |
23 |
调节全球市场 |
Regulating Global Markets |
24 |
商业与人权 |
Business and Human Rights |
25 |
人权和武装冲突 |
Human Rights and Armed Conflict |
26 |
人权与恐怖主义 |
Human Rights and Terrorism |
27 |
工作中的人权 |
Human Rights at Work |
28 |
亚洲的人权:当前的问题 |
Human Rights in Asia: Current Issues |
29 |
澳洲的人权 |
Human Rights in Australia |
30 |
人权:全球政策和实践 |
Human Rights: Global Policy and Practice |
31 |
国际人权法 |
International Human Rights Law |
32 |
国际法和儿童权利 |
International Law and Children's Rights |
33 |
国际难民法 |
International Refugee Law |
34 |
投资、监管和发展 |
Investment, Regulation and Development |
35 |
妇女、和平与安全 |
Women, Peace and Security |
36 |
数字贸易 |
Digital Trade |
37 |
国际金融秩序:国际货币基金组织和世界银行 |
Global Financial Order: IMF and World Bank |
38 |
国际商业交易 |
International Business Transactions |
39 |
国际商事仲裁 |
International Commercial Arbitration |
40 |
国际经济法 |
International Economic Law |
41 |
国际投资法与仲裁 |
International Investment Law and Arbitration |
42 |
国际贸易法律 |
International Trade Law |
43 |
世贸组织的贸易救济措施 |
WTO Trade Remedies |
44 |
三税务行政法 |
Administrative Law in Tax Matters |
45 |
竞争法和知识产权 |
Competition Law and Intellectual Property |
46 |
能源监管和法律 |
Energy Regulation and the Law |
47 |
工作中的平等和歧视 |
Equality and Discrimination at Work |
48 |
普通法的基本原理 |
Fundamentals of the Common Law |
49 |
全球商业合同法 |
Global Commercial Contract Law |
50 |
全球卫生、贸易和投资法 |
Global Health, Trade and Investment Law |
51 |
健康数据治理 |
Health Data Governance |
52 |
卫生法和人权 |
Health Law and Human Rights |
53 |
国际和比较竞争法 |
International and Comparative Competition Law |
54 |
国际建设法 |
International Construction Law |
55 |
国际劳工法 |
International Employment Law |
56 |
国际金融体系:法律与实践 |
International Financial System: Law and Practice |
57 |
国际金融交易:法律与实务 |
International Financial Transactions: Law and Practice |
58 |
知识产权的国际问题 |
International Issues in Intellectual Property |
59 |
国际法、可持续性和发展 |
International Law, Sustainability and Development |
60 |
国际矿产法 |
International Mineral Law |
61 |
国际石油交易 |
International Petroleum Transactions |
62 |
国际体育就业法 |
International Sports Employment Law |
63 |
国际可持续金融 |
International Sustainable Finance |
64 |
国际贸易和竞争法 |
International Trade and Competition Law |
65 |
法律、科学与发展 |
Law, Science and Development |
66 |
亚洲商法 |
Commercial Law in Asia |
67 |
亚洲的建筑法律和工程 |
Construction Law and Projects in Asia |
68 |
中国的贸易投资法 |
Trade and Investment Law in China |
69 |
人工智能和法律 |
Artificial Intelligence and the Law |
70 |
诽谤法 |
Defamation Law |
71 |
信息技术合同法 |
Information Technology Contracting Law |
72 |
网络流媒体、电影和电视法律 |
Online Streaming, Film and TV Law |
73 |
隐私法 |
Privacy Law |
74 |
高级证据 |
Advanced Evidence |
75 |
替代性纠纷解决 |
Alternative Dispute Resolution |
76 |
避免和管理施工纠纷 |
Avoiding and Managing Construction Disputes |
77 |
商务谈判与交易:技巧与战略 |
Business Negotiations and Deal-Making: Skills and Strategies |
78 |
民事诉讼的现状 |
Current Issues in Civil Litigation |
79 |
专家证据 |
Expert Evidence |
80 |
谈判和解决争端:成功的战略和技巧 |
Negotiation and Dispute Resolution: Strategies and Skills for Success |
81 |
谈判技巧 |
Negotiation Skills |
82 |
体育纠纷解决 |
Sports Dispute Resolution |
83 |
税务诉讼 |
Tax Litigation |
84 |
气候变化法 |
Climate Change Law |
85 |
建设风险:分摊和保险 |
Construction Risk: Allocation and Insurance |
86 |
环境法律 |
Environmental Law |
87 |
国际环境法 |
International Environmental Law |
88 |
谈判环境协议 |
Negotiating Environmental Agreements |
89 |
规划与发展法 |
Planning and Development Law |
90 |
空间、公海、海床和南极法律 |
Space, High Seas, Seabed and Antarctic Law |
91 |
有毒物质、废物和污染法 |
Toxics, Waste and Contamination Law |
92 |
水法与自然资源管理 |
Water Law and Natural Resources Management |
93 |
比较企业所得税 |
Comparative Corporate Tax |
94 |
比较国际税收 |
Comparative International Tax |
95 |
税法基础 |
Foundations of Tax Law |
96 |
国际税收:原则与结构 |
International Tax: Principles and Structure |
97 |
美国的国际税收 |
International Taxation in the US |
98 |
税制改革与发展 |
Tax Reform and Development |
99 |
税收条约 |
Tax Treaties |
100 |
转移定价:实践与问题 |
Transfer Pricing: Practice and Problems |