*墨尔本大学墨尔本法学院知识产权法硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
人工智能与法律 |
Artificial Intelligence and the Law |
2 |
竞争法与知识产权 |
Competition Law and Intellectual Property |
3 |
著作权法 |
Copyright Law |
4 |
设计法律与实务 |
Designs Law and Practice |
5 |
数字贸易 |
Digital Trade |
6 |
知识产权基础 |
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property |
7 |
专利撰写基础 |
Fundamentals of Patent Drafting |
8 |
普通法基础 |
Fundamentals of the Common Law |
9 |
信息技术合同法 |
Information Technology Contracting Law |
10 |
知识产权纠纷解决 |
Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution |
11 |
国际知识产权争端解决:原则与实践 |
International IP Dispute Settlement: Principles and Practice |
12 |
知识产权国际问题 |
International Issues in Intellectual Property |
13 |
国际法律实习 |
International Legal Internship |
14 |
专利说明书的解释和有效性 |
Interpretation and Validity of Patent Specifications |
15 |
许可法律与技术转让 |
Licensing Law and Technology Transfer |
16 |
专利法 |
Patent Law |
17 |
专利实务 |
Patent Practice |
18 |
药品:当前的法律问题 |
Pharmaceuticals: Current Legal Issues |
19 |
商标实务 |
Trade Mark Practice |
20 |
商标与不正当竞争 |
Trade Marks and Unfair Competition |