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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
反恐怖主义法 |
Anti-Terrorism Law |
2 |
民主政治的挑战 |
Challenges of Democratic Politics |
3 |
中国法律与中国法律制度 |
Chinese Laws and Chinese Legal Systems |
4 |
中国政治 |
Chinese Politics |
5 |
沿海和海洋法 |
Coastal and Marine Law |
6 |
比较国际税收 |
Comparative International Taxation |
7 |
网络安全 |
Cybersecurity |
8 |
东南亚的民主,发展与权利 |
Democracy, Development and Rights in SE Asia |
9 |
发展与世界政治 |
Development and World Politics |
10 |
发展,法律与人权 |
Development, Law and Human Rights |
11 |
在中国经商 |
Doing Business in China |
12 |
国际关系必读 |
Essential Readings in Int'l Relations |
13 |
性别不平等与发展 |
Gender Inequality and Development |
14 |
全球环境政治 |
Global Environmental Politics |
15 |
全球卫生法 |
Global Health Law |
16 |
全球石油和天然气合同和问题 |
Global Oil and Gas Contracts and Issues |
17 |
治理与公共政策制定 |
Governance and Public Policy Making |
18 |
健康与安全 |
Health and Security |
19 |
人权与全球经济 |
Human Rights and the Global Economy |