*悉尼大学医学与健康学院公共卫生硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
原住民/托雷斯海峡岛民健康 |
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Health |
2 |
青少年性健康 |
Adolescent Sexual Health |
3 |
公共卫生中的疫苗 |
Adv Concepts:Vaccines in Public Health |
4 |
先进流行病学 |
Advanced Epidemiology |
5 |
高级定性分析与写作 |
Advanced Qualitative Analysis and Writing |
6 |
高级统计建模 |
Advanced Statistical Modelling |
7 |
酒精,药物使用与健康 |
Alcohol, drug use and health |
8 |
分析卫生政策 |
Analysing Health Policy |
9 |
健康商务 |
Business of Health |
10 |
癌症预防与控制 |
Cancer Prevention and Control |
11 |
慢性病防治 |
Chronic Disease Prevention and Control |
12 |
气候变化与公共卫生 |
Climate Change and Public Health |
13 |
社区和公共卫生营养 |
Community and Public Health Nutrition |
14 |
避孕和避孕前护理 |
Contraception and Preconception Care |
15 |
对照临床试验 |
Controlled Clinical Trials |
16 |
经济评估的决策模型 |
Decision modelling for economic evaluation |
17 |
牙科保健服务 |
Dental Health Services |
18 |
糖尿病管理 |
Diabetes Management |
19 |
诊断和筛选测试 |
Diagnostic and Screening Tests |
20 |
诊断和筛选测试 |
Diagnostic and Screening Tests |
21 |
疾病预防与健康促进 |
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion |
22 |
企业医疗保健信息系统 |
Enterprise Healthcare Information Systems |
23 |
环境流行病学 |
Environmental Epidemiology |
24 |
环境卫生 |
Environmental Health |
25 |
流行病学方法和用途 |
Epidemiology Methods and Uses |
26 |
道德与心理健康 |
Ethics and Mental Health |
27 |
伦理与公共卫生 |
Ethics and Public Health |
28 |
政策和实践证据 |
Evidence into Policy and Practice |
29 |
遗传学与公共卫生 |
Genetics and Public Health |
30 |
全球传染病控制 |
Global Communicable Disease Control |
31 |
全球卫生法 |
Global Health Law |
32 |
全球卫生政策 |
Global Health Policy |
33 |
全球卫生项目管理 |
Global Health Project Management |
34 |
全球卫生系统和提供 |
Global Health Systems and Delivery |
35 |
全球定性健康研究 |
Global Qualitative Health Research |
36 |
健康与风险沟通 |
Health and Risk Communication |
37 |
健康交流 |
Health Communication |
38 |
卫生经济评估 |
Health Economic Evaluation |
39 |
卫生政策与卫生经济学 |
Health Policy and Health Economics |
40 |
卫生系统与筹资 |
Health Systems and Financing |
41 |
健康的抗衰老和预防跌倒 |
Healthy ageing and fall prevention |
42 |
人道主义危机与难民健康 |
Humanitarian Crises and Refugee Health |
43 |
医疗保健中的感染预防 |
Infection Prevention in Healthcare |
44 |
生物医学信息技术 |
Information Technology in Biomedicine |
45 |
链接数据简介 |
Introductory Analysis of Linked Data |
46 |
入门生物统计学 |
Introductory Biostatistics |
47 |
面向卫生专业人员的IT |
IT for Health Professionals |
48 |
法律,商业和健康生活方式 |
Law, Business and Healthy Lifestyles |
49 |
法律推理与普通法制度 |
Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System |
50 |
生活方式与慢性病的预防 |
Lifestyle and Chronic Disease Prevention |
51 |
药物政策,经济学和伦理学 |
Medicines Policy, Economics and Ethics |
52 |
全球环境中的营养 |
Nutrition in Global Settings |
53 |
肥胖和糖尿病前期:预防和护理 |
Obesity and Pre-diabetes: Prevention and Care |
54 |
人口心理健康 |
One Health |
55 |
人口口腔健康 |
Population Mental Health |
56 |
公共卫生实习 |
Population Oral Health |
57 |
公共卫生实习1 |
Practice Placement in Public Health |
58 |
公共卫生实习2 |
Practice Placement in Public Health 1 |
59 |
回归建模 |
Practice Placement in Public Health 2 |
60 |
Regression Modelling |