*新南威尔士大学理学院数学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
高等数学项目 A |
Advanced Mathematics Project A |
2 |
高级数学项目 B |
Advanced Mathematics Project B |
3 |
人寿保险和退休金 |
Life Insurance and Superannuation |
4 |
定量风险管理技术 |
Quantitative Risk Management Techniques |
5 |
风险与资本管理 |
Risk and Capital Management |
6 |
优化 |
Optimization |
7 |
计算生物信息学 |
Computational Bioinformatics |
8 |
信息检索与网络搜索 |
Information Retrieval and Web Search |
9 |
数据结构与算法 |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
10 |
软件构建: 技术与工具 |
Software Construction: Techniques and Tools |
11 |
算法验证 |
Algorithmic Verification |
12 |
数据库系统 |
Database Systems |
13 |
大数据管理 |
Big Data Management |
14 |
机器学习与数据挖掘 |
Machine Learning and Data Mining |
15 |
统计机器学习高级专题 |
Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning |
16 |
机器人软件架构 |
Robotic Software Architecture |
17 |
神经网络与深度学习 |
Neural Networks and Deep Learning |
18 |
扩展算法设计与分析 |
Extended Algorithm Design and Analysis |
19 |
数据可视化 |
Data Visualisation |
20 |
金融经济学 |
Economics of Finance |
21 |
金融计量经济学 |
Financial Econometrics |
22 |
商业预测 |
Business Forecasting |
23 |
投资与投资组合选择 |
Investments and Portfolio Selection |
24 |
金融机构管理 |
Financial Institution Management |
25 |
衍生工具与风险管理技术 |
Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques |
26 |
固定收入证券和利率衍生工具 |
Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives |
27 |
高级投资和高级资金管理 |
Advanced Investment and Advanced Funds Management |
28 |
应用基金管理 |
Applied Funds Management |
29 |
经验资产定价 |
Empirical Asset Pricing |
30 |
线性和离散优化建模 |
Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling |
31 |
应用数学专题 A |
Special Topics in Applied Mathematics A |
32 |
应用数学专题 B |
Special Topics in Applied Mathematics B |
33 |
数据科学的数学优化 |
Mathematical Optimization for Data Science |
34 |
动力系统与混沌 |
Dynamical Systems and Chaos |
35 |
流体、海洋和气候 |
Fluids, Oceans and Climate |
36 |
应用数学专题 D |
Special Topics in Applied Mathematics D |
37 |
科学与工程计算数学 |
Computational Mathematics for Science and Engineering |
38 |
金融计算数学 |
Computational Mathematics for Finance |
39 |
随机微分方程: 理论、应用和数值方法 |
Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods |
40 |
数值线性代数 |
Numerical Linear Algebra |
41 |
图论 |
Graph Theory |
42 |
组合数学 |
Combinatorics |
43 |
纯数学专题 A |
Special Topics in Pure Mathematics A |
44 |
纯数学专题 B |
Special Topics in Pure Mathematics B |
45 |
纯数学专题 C |
Special Topics in Pure Mathematics C |