*新南威尔士大学艺术设计和建筑学院公共关系与广告硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
实践研究 |
Research in Practice |
2 |
传播学批判性视角 |
Critical Perspectives in Communication |
3 |
品牌文化 |
Brand Cultures |
4 |
媒体研究项目 |
Media Research Project |
5 |
环境传播: 文化与变革 |
Environmental Communication: Culture and Transformation |
6 |
环境政策与参与 |
Environmental Policy and Participation |
7 |
重塑世界:环境与社会中创造性与批判性的范式转变 |
Remaking Worlds: Creative & Critical Paradigm Shifts in Environment & Society |
8 |
法律与文化产业 |
Law and the Culture Industries |
9 |
审查、蔑视与媒体 |
Censorship, Contempt and the Media |
10 |
新产品与服务开发 |
New Product and Service Development |
11 |
数字营销 |
Digital Marketing |
12 |
活动管理与营销 |
Events Management and Marketing |
13 |
广告分析 |
Advertising Analytics |
14 |
了解当代媒体 |
Understanding Contemporary Media |
15 |
媒体写作 |
Writing for Media |
16 |
多平台与视听新闻 |
Multiplatform and Audiovisual Journalism |
17 |
社交媒体宣传 |
Social Media Campaigning |
18 |
媒体关系 |
Media Relations |
19 |
名人、媒体与文化 |
Celebrity, Media and Culture |
20 |
新闻与特写写作 |
News and Feature Writing |
21 |
媒体伦理与法律 |
Media Ethics and Law |
22 |
新闻哲学 |
Philosophies of Journalism |
23 |
专业媒体实践: 数字新闻的创作、出版和宣传 |
Professional Media Practices: Creating, Publishing and Publicising Digital Journalism |
24 |
广告与创意 |
Advertising and Creativity |
25 |
组织传播 |
Organisational Communication |
26 |
公共关系理论与实践 |
Public Relations Theory and Practice |
27 |
传播策略 |
Communication Strategies |
28 |
了解数字文化 |
Understanding Digital Cultures |
29 |
广告理论与实践 |
Advertising Theory and Practice |
30 |
从文本到对话 寻找你的声音 |
From Text to Talk: Finding Your Voice |
31 |
宣传、代表、实践 |
Advocacy, Representation, Practice |
32 |
行业实习 |
Industry Internship |
33 |
设计概念与沟通 |
Design Concepts and Communication |