*昆士兰大学工程、建筑和信息技术计算机科学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
编译器和口译员 |
Compilers and Interpreters |
2 |
高级算法和数据结构 |
Advanced Algorithms & Data Structures |
3 |
机器学习 |
Machine Learning |
4 |
通讯系统 |
Communication Systems |
5 |
计算机网络II |
Computer Networks II |
6 |
安全性高级主题 |
Advanced topics in Security |
7 |
分布式计算 |
Distributed Computing |
8 |
高级嵌入式系统 |
Advanced Embedded Systems |
9 |
程序分析原理 |
Principles of Program Analysis |
10 |
并发:理论与实践 |
Concurrency: Theory and Practice |
11 |
高级人机交互 |
Advanced Human-Computer Interaction |
12 |
数据挖掘 |
Data Mining |
13 |
高维数据的先进技术 |
Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data |
14 |
信息检索和网络搜索 |
Information Retrieval and Web Search |
15 |
社交媒体分析 |
Social Media Analytics |
16 |
计算机科学7A专题 |
Special Topics in Computer Science 7A |
17 |
计算机科学7B专题 |
Special Topics in Computer Science 7B |
18 |
计算机系统高级主题A |
Advanced Topics in Computer Systems A |
19 |
计算机系统高级话题B |
Advanced Topics in Computer Systems B |
20 |
软件工程高级话题A |
Advanced Topics in Software Engineering A |
21 |
软件工程高级话题B |
Advanced Topics in Software Engineering B |
22 |
商业信息系统分析与设计 |
Business Information Systems Analysis and Design |
23 |
操作系统架构 |
Operating Systems Architecture |
24 |
算法与数据结构 |
Algorithms & Data Structures |
25 |
人工智能 |
Artificial Intelligence |
26 |
信息安全 |
Information Security |
27 |
计算机网络我 |
Computer Networks I |
28 |
高性能计算 |
High-Performance Computing |
29 |
软件过程 |
The Software Process |
30 |
程序推理 |
Reasoning about Programs |
31 |
嵌入式系统设计与接口 |
Embedded Systems Design & Interfacing |
32 |
社交和移动计算 |
Social & Mobile Computing |
33 |
网络信息系统 |
Web Information Systems |
34 |
云计算 |
Cloud Computing |
35 |
高级数据库系统 |
Advanced Database Systems |
36 |
计算机科学研究项目 |
Computer Science Research Project |
37 |
研究方法 |
Research Methods |