*昆士兰大学人文社会科学汉语翻译和口译硕士(改为翻译和口译文科硕士)专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
翻译技巧与实践(英译汉) |
Translation Skills and Practice (English to Chinese) |
2 |
翻译技巧与实践(汉译英) |
Translation Skills and Practice (Chinese to English) |
3 |
口译技巧与练习(英语和普通话) |
Interpreting Skills & Practice (English and Mandarin) |
4 |
笔译人员的语境研究 |
Contextual Studies for Translators & Interpreters |
5 |
翻译和口译的语言基础巩固 |
Language Consolidation for Translation & Interpreting Purposes |
6 |
理论与专业研究 |
Theoretical & Professional Studies |
7 |
专业翻译(英语到中文) |
Professional Translation (English to Chinese) |
8 |
专业翻译(中英文) |
Professional Translation (Chinese to English) |
9 |
专业口译(英语和普通话) |
Professional Interpreting (English and Mandarin) |
10 |
翻译口译实习 |
Translation & Interpreting Practicum |
11 |
同声传译(英语和普通话) |
Simultaneous Interpreting (English and Mandarin) |
12 |
法律口译与翻译 |
Legal Interpreting and Translation |
13 |
科学,工程和技术翻译 |
Translation and Interpreting for Science, Engineering and Technology |
14 |
一般研究方法 |
General Research Methods |
15 |
翻译与口译研究论文 |
Thesis in Translation & Interpreting Studies |
16 |
语言结构 |
Structure of Language |
17 |
应用语言学概念 |
Concepts in Applied Linguistics |
18 |
第二语言习得 |
Second Language Acquisition |
19 |
语言与跨文化交流 |
Language and Intercultural communication |