*香港中文大学社科学院建筑学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
高级建筑设计工作室 |
Advanced Architectural Design Studio |
2 |
高级建筑设计工作室I (A) |
Advanced Architectural Design Studio I (A) |
3 |
高级建筑设计工作室I (B) |
Advanced Architectural Design Studio I (B) |
4 |
设计理论专题研究 |
Topical Studies in Design Theory |
5 |
计算设计专题研究 |
Topical Studies in Computational Design |
6 |
建筑理论与批评 |
Architectural Theory and Criticism |
7 |
历史、理论和批评的专题研究 |
Topical Studies in History, Theory and Criticism |
8 |
先进建筑系统I |
Advanced Building Systems I |
9 |
先进的建筑系统Il建筑技术专题研究专业实践管理专题研究 |
Advanced Building Systems Il |
10 |
可持续设计专题研究 |
Topical Studies in Building Technology |
11 |
城市历史与理论 |
Topical Studies in Professional Practice Management |
12 |
都市主义专题研究 |
Topical Studies in Sustainable Design |
13 |
建筑保育概论 |
Urban History and Theory |
14 |
“建筑保护中的材料与施工” |
Topical Studies in Urbanism |
15 |
文物保育的问题 |
Introduction to Architectural Conservation |
16 |
香港建筑史(建筑文化) |
Materials and Construction in Architectural Conservation |
17 |
高级建筑设计工作室2 |
ssues in Heritage Conservation |
18 |
高级建筑设计工作室Il (A)高级建筑设计工作室Il (B)专业实践与管理 |
Hong Kong Architectural History (Culture of Building) |
19 |
城市历史与理论 |
Advanced Architectural Design Studio ll |
20 |
城市设计研究方法 |
Advanced Architectural Design Studio Il (A) |
21 |
城市设计专题研究1(城市过程) |
Advanced Architectural Design Studio Il (B) |
22 |
城市设计专题研究2(城市交通网络) |
Professional Practice and Management |
23 |
宜居健康城市的环境设计 |
Urban History and Theory |
24 |
Research Methods in Urban Design |
25 |
Topical Studies in Urban Design 1 (Urban Processes) |
26 |
Topical Studies in Urban Design 2 (Urban Transport Networks) |
27 |
Environmental Design for Liveable and Healthy Cities |