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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
数据科学导论 |
Introduction to Data Science |
2 |
人工智能与通讯 |
Artificial Intelligence & Communication |
3 |
计算社会科学方法概论 |
Introduction to Computational Social Science Methods |
4 |
数据库和信息系统 |
Database and Information systems |
5 |
大数据与社会:基础,政治与政策 |
Big data and society: foundations, politics, and policy |
6 |
媒体与政治:经济与社会 |
Media and Politics: Economy and Society |
7 |
屏幕产业 |
Screen Industries |
8 |
了解媒体变化 |
Understanding Media Change |
9 |
全球新闻与政治 |
Global Journalism and Politics |
10 |
大数据与社会:算法与平台 |
Big data and society: algorithms and platforms |
11 |
媒体与政治:理论与案例 |
Media and Politics: Theories and Cases |
12 |
媒体与战略传播之争 |
Argumentation in Media and Strategic Communication |
13 |
屏幕文化 |
Screen Cultures |
14 |
数字媒体受众 |
Digital Media Audiences |
15 |
品牌策略与传播 |
Branding Strategies and Communication |
16 |
实践中的战略沟通:专业观点 |
Strategic Communication in Practice: Professional Perspectives |
17 |
战略沟通 |
Strategic Communication |
18 |
视觉文化:机构,展览,干预 |
Visual Cultures: Institutions, Exhibitions, Interventions |
19 |
媒体实践与日常生活 |
Media Practices and Everyday Life |
20 |
重新定义电视 |
Redefining television |
21 |
数据可视化 |
Data Visualization |