序号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 |
1 | 建设和平的关键方法 | Critical Approaches to Peacebuilding |
2 | 调解:社区与全球实践 | Mediation: Community and Global Praxis |
3 | 非洲政治思想 | African Political Thought |
4 | 非西方政治思想中的代理与策略 | Agency and Strategy in Non-Western Political Thought |
5 | 关键安全研究 | Critical Security Studies |
6 | 性别与恐怖主义 | Gender and Terrorism |
7 | 全球宪政 | Global Constitutionalism |
8 | 现代中东国际关系 | International Relations of the Modern Middle East |
9 | 民族主义与民族冲突 | Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict |
10 | 冲突的政治经济学 | Political Economy of Conflict |
11 | 宗教与国际政治 | Religion and International Politics |
12 | 世界政治中的安全和司法机构 | Security and Justice Institutions in World Politics |
13 | 证券化空间 | Spaces of Securitization |
14 | 恐怖主义与自由民主 | Terrorism and Liberal Democracy |
15 | 外交的变脸:国际关系中的情感、权力和说服力 | The Changing Face(s) of Diplomacy: Emotions, Power and Persuasion in International Relations |
16 | 日常生活中的全球政治 | The Global Politics of Everyday Life |
17 | 军队参政 | The Military in Politics |
18 | 敌友论 | Theories of Friendship and Enmity |