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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
分布式账本技术,加密货币和电子支付 |
Distributed Ledger Technology, Cryptocurrency and E-Payment |
2 |
区块链的分布式算法和协议 |
Distributed Algorithms and Protocols for Blockchains |
3 |
去中心化应用程序的基础和开发 |
Decentralized Apps Fundamentals and Development |
4 |
分散的财政 |
Decentralized Finance |
5 |
区块链和智能合约安全 |
Blockchain and Smart Contract Security |
6 |
金融应用的应用密码学 |
Applied Cryptography for Financial Applications |
7 |
机器学习及其在金融中的应用 |
Machine Learning and Applications in Finance |
8 |
金融科技监管与合规 |
Fintech Regulation and Compliance |
9 |
金融分析经济学 |
Economics for Financial Analysis |
10 |
金融定量方法 |
Quantitative Methods for Finance |
11 |
财务分析与估值 |
Financial Analysis and Valuation |
12 |
证券衍生品 |
Derivatives Securities |
13 |
数据结构和数据库系统 |
Data Structures and Database Systems |
14 |
高级数据分析 |
Advanced Data Analytics |
15 |
软件项目管理 |
Software Project Management |
16 |
软件工程与开发 |
Software Engineering and Development |
17 |
互联网基础设施和协议 |
Internet Infrastructure and Protocols |
18 |
网络及互联网安全 |
Cyber and Internet Security |
19 |
自然语言处理 |
Natural Language Processing |
20 |
大数据计算 |
Big Data Computing |
21 |
人工智能概念 |
Artificial Intelligence Concepts |
22 |
计算机视觉与图像处理 |
Computer Vision and Image Processing |
23 |
机器学习和数据分析 |
Machine Learning and Data Analytics |
24 |
优化与应用 |
Optimization and Applications |
25 |
项目 |
Project |
26 |
论文 |
Dissertation |