*悉尼科技大学研究生院工商管理硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
核心科目 MBA |
Core subjects MBA |
2 |
21880 领导人才与变革 |
21880 Leading People and Change |
3 |
22800 理解会计和财务报告 |
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports |
4 |
24834 营销决策 |
24834 Marketing Decision Making |
5 |
25799 财务管理 |
25799 Financial Management |
6 |
23709 管理经济学 |
23709 Economics for Management |
7 |
21715 战略管理 |
21715 Strategic Management |
8 |
9 |
主修+副修/主修+四门选修课/两门副修+两门选修课/副修 |
Major + sub-major/Major + four electives/Two sub-majors + two electives/Sub-majo |
10 |
选择 60 个学分的选项: 60cp |
Select 60 credit points of options: 60cp |
11 |
CBK91834 选修课 12cp |
CBK91834 Electives 12cp |
12 |
CBK90216 选修课 24cp |
CBK90216 Electives 24cp |
13 |
SMJ08098 会计信息系统 24cp |
SMJ08098 Accounting Information Systems 24cp |
14 |
SMJ10213 创业副专业 24cp |
SMJ10213 Entrepreneurship sub-major 24cp |
15 |
SMJ10076 地方政府领导 24cp |
SMJ10076 Local Government Leadership 24cp |
16 |
SMJ10161 专业会计扩展 24cp |
SMJ10161 Professional Accounting Extension 24cp |
17 |
SMJ08086 项目管理 24cp |
SMJ08086 Project Management 24cp |
18 |
MAJ09446 商业法 36cp |
MAJ09446 Business Law 36cp |
19 |
MAJ08994 数字金融 36cp |
MAJ08994 Digital Finance 36cp |
20 |
CBK91905 36cp 选修课(研究生) 36cp |
CBK91905 36cp Electives (Postgraduate) 36cp |
21 |
...... 更多可选课程 |
......more options available |