*纽卡斯尔大学现代语言学院翻译与本地化硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
语言行业:职业、流程与社会 |
The Language Industry: Professions, Processes and Society |
2 |
本地化 1 |
Localisation 1 |
3 |
本地化 2 |
Localisation 2 |
4 |
翻译与口译研究方法 |
Research Methods in Translating and Interpreting |
5 |
翻译研讨会 |
Translation Workshop |
6 |
翻译原则与实践 |
Translation Principles and Practice |
7 |
翻译实践与分析:英译汉 |
Translation Practice and Analysis: English to Chinese |
8 |
专业翻译:汉译英 |
Specialised Translation: Chinese to English |
9 |
翻译与口译研究 |
Translation and Interpreting Studies |
10 |
翻译基础(汉译英) |
Fundamentals of Translation (Chinese to English) |
11 |
专业翻译:汉译英 |
Specialised Translation: Chinese to English |
12 |
翻译与口译研究 |
Translation and Interpreting Studies |
13 |
毕业论文 |
Dissertation |
14 |
翻译/口译项目 |
Translating/Interpreting Project |
15 |
翻译基础(汉译英) |
Fundamentals of Translation: Chinese to English |
16 |
公共服务口译 |
Public Service Interpreting |
17 |
中英字幕与视频游戏翻译 |
Chinese to/from/English Subtitle and Video Game Translation |
18 |
口译与翻译人员的戏剧翻译 |
Drama Translation for Interpreters and Translators |
19 |
公司与商业法律的关键概念 |
Key Concepts in Corporate and Commercial Law |
20 |
国际营销 |
International Marketing |
21 |
法律翻译基础 |
Fundamentals of Legal Translation |
22 |
文学翻译 |
Literary Translation |
23 |
联络口译 |
Liaison Interpreting |
24 |
从第二外语进行翻译实践 |
Translation Practice from Second Foreign Language |
25 |
翻译企业家 |
Translator Entrepreneur |
26 |
大型机构翻译案例研究:欧盟 |
Translating for a Big Institution. The EU – A Case Study |