*香港中文大学工程学院人工智能硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
人工智能基础知识 |
Fundamentals in Artificial Intelligence |
2 |
人工智能实践 |
Artificial Intelligence in Practice |
3 |
人工智能中的新兴技术 |
Emerging Technologies in Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
值得信赖的人工智能 |
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence |
5 |
深度神经网络的高效计算 |
Efficient Computing of Deep Neural Networks |
6 |
机器学习理论 |
Machine Learning Theory |
7 |
机器学习算法和应用 |
Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications |
8 |
图神经网络 |
Graph Neural Networks |
9 |
AI 基础模型、系统和应用 |
AI Foundation Models, Systems and Applications |
10 |
机器学习的概率模型和推理算法 |
Probabilistic Models and Inference Algorithms for Machine Learning |
11 |
强化学习 |
Reinforcement Learning |
12 |
高级 GPU 编程 |
Advanced GPU Programming |
13 |
AI for Life Sciences 高级主题 |
Advanced Topics of AI for Life Sciences |
14 |
智能机器人的高级感知 |
Advanced Perception for Intelligent Robotics |
15 |
智能可穿戴电子产品 |
Intelligent Wearable Electronics |
16 |
用于类脑计算的神经形态硬件 |
Neuromorphic Hardware for Brain-like Computation |
17 |
人工智能 IC 设计 |
Artificial Intelligence IC Design |
18 |
AI 在医学图像分析中的应用 |
AI in Medical Image Analysis |
19 |
物联网系统的算法和实现 |
Algorithms and Realization of Internet of Things Systems |
20 |
边缘 AI 和应用 |
Edge AI and Applications |
21 |
计算成像系统和算法 |
Computational Imaging Systems and Algorithms |
22 |
机器人学习 |
Robot Learning |
23 |
语音和语言处理 |
Speech and Language Processing |
24 |
对话式人工智能系统 |
Conversational Artificial Intelligence Systems |