*南洋理工大学人类、文学与社科学院翻译与传译硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
翻译理论 |
Translation Theories |
2 |
口译简介 |
Introduction to Interpretation |
3 |
翻译技术 |
Translation Technology |
4 |
专业翻译四(科学、技术和医学) |
Specialised Translation IV (Science, Technology and Medicine) |
5 |
英汉对比分析与翻译 |
English-Chinese Contrastive Analysis and Translation |
6 |
专业翻译一(文学) |
Specialised Translation I (Literature) |
7 |
连贯性、批判性和创造性写作 |
Coherent, Critical and Creative Writing |
8 |
视听翻译 |
Audiovisual Translation |
9 |
跨文化交流、营销和转译 |
Cross-cultural Communication, Marketing, and Transcreation |
10 |
翻译中的双语主义和多语主义 |
Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Translation |
11 |
笔译和口译的专业问题和高级专题 |
Professional Issues and Advanced Topics in Translation and Interpretation |
12 |
模拟会议 |
Mock Conference |
13 |
双语、跨文化交流与翻译 |
Bilingualism, Cross-cultural Communication, and Translation |
14 |
创意写作与文学翻译 |
Creative Writing and Literature Translation |
15 |
社区翻译与口译 |
Community Translation & Interpretation |
16 |
口译员的工作记忆和双语交流技巧 |
Working Memory and Bilingual Communication Skills for Interpreters |
17 |
本地化与翻译项目管理 |
Localisation and Translation Project Management |
18 |
社会文化语言学与翻译 |
Sociocultural Linguistics and Translation |
19 |
笔译和口译研究中的高级课题 |
Advanced Topics in Translation and Interpreting Studies |
20 |
实践中的口译 |
Interpreting in Practice |
21 |
新加坡/马来西亚背景下的文学翻译 |
Literary Translation in the Singapore/Malaysian Context |
22 |
翻译与中国大陆文学 |
Translation & Mainland Chinese Literature |
23 |
笔译和口译中的语境文本 |
Texts in Context in Translation and Interpretation |
24 |
人工智能与机器翻译 |
AI and Machine Translation |
25 |
翻译: 新闻学和新闻媒体 |
Translation: Journalism and News Media |
26 |
对比语言学与翻译: 英文-中文 |
Contrastive Linguistics and Translation: English - Chinese |
27 |
研究方法学: 毕业论文和毕业设计 |
Research Methodology: Dissertation and Capstone Project |
28 |
口译模式 |
Interpretation Modalities |
29 |
交替传译I |
Consecutive Interpretation I |
30 |
交替传译II |
Consecutive Interpretation II |
31 |
专业翻译: 法律和机构 |
Specialised Translation: Legal & Institutional |