
教育硕士课程主要是为在新加坡学校和教育部工作的教育工作者设计的(见下文的补充说明)。大学毕业生如有教育背景,并希望增加教育方面的知识和技能,亦可提出申请。 该课程提供以下16个专业领域的学位: 艺术 中国语言 课程与教学 发展心理学 戏剧 儿童早期 教育评估 英语 高能力的研究 学习科学和技术 马来语语言 数学 音乐 科学 特殊教育 泰米尔语 这些专业可以让你选择最适合自己兴趣和职业道路的领域,无论这条道路是通往教师硕士课程、专家课程,还是想要更新你的知识和技能的一般愿望。
* 南洋理工大学教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理
专业名称 2025 Fall 申请时间 学费(当地货币)
南洋理工大学教育学硕士 41,080
语言要求 2024 Fall 申请时间 学制
雅思6.5 托福92 春季:23年5月9日—23年7月4日(仅部分分支) 秋季:23年11月6日-24年1月12日 1年
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*南洋理工大学教育学院教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 课程中文名称 课程英文名称
1 教育调查 Educational Inquiry
2 艺术教育的研究和问题 Research and Issues in Art Education
3 视觉艺术和创造力 Visual Arts and Creativity
4 艺术教育与技术 Arts Education and Technology
5 艺术创作与审美探索 Art Making and Aesthetic Enquiry
6 语言规划与语言教育 Language Planning and Language Education
7 中国语言及其教学专题 Topics on Chinese Language and Its Teaching
8 儿童和青少年文学在汉语教学中的应用 The Instructional Use of Children and Young Adults’ Literature in Chinese Language Teaching and Learning
9 中国文学和文化及其教学 Chinese Literature and Culture and Its teaching
10 新加坡小学的品德与公民教育及其教学法 Character and Citizenship Education and its Pedagogy in Singapore Primary Schools
11 华文教育语言学 Chinese Educational Linguistics
12 华文课程设计与教材编写 Chinese Language Curriculum Design and Instructional Materials Development
13 华语听、说教学: 从理论到实践 Teaching of Listening and Speaking of Chinese: From Theory to Practice
14 华文阅读与写作教学: 从理论到实践 Teaching of Reading and Writing of Chinese: From Theory to Practice
15 汉语测试与评估 Chinese Language Testing and Assessment
16 信息与通信技术在汉语教学中的应用 Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language
17 汉英翻译与汉语教学:从理论到实践 Chinese-English Translation and Chinese Language Teaching: From Theory to Practice
18 课程设置: 理论与问题 Curriculum: Theories and Issues
19 构建课程 Crafting the Curriculum
20 教育和学习中的评估: 理论、紧张和问题 Assessment in Education and Learning: Theories, Tensions and Issues
21 了解教师和教学:理论与实践 Understanding Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
22 学习的理论和观点 Theories and Perspectives of Learning
23 课程实施和教育变革: 概念和问题 Curriculum Implementation and Educational Change: Concepts and Issues
24 课程和项目评估 Curriculum and Programme Evaluation
25 为不同的学习者提供不同的课程和教学 Differentiating Curriculum and Teaching for Diverse Learners
26 全球化与课程改革 Globalisation & Curriculum Reform
27 真实评估的理论与实践 Theory and Practice of Authentic Assessment
28 新加坡的学习评估: 理论与实践的关键视角 Assessment for Learning in Singapore: Critical Perspectives of Theory and Practice
29 评估领导 Assessment Leadership
30 学生参与评估以增强能力和提高学习效率 Student Involvement in Assessment for Empowerment and Learning
31 课程、教学法和专业发展中的叙事探究 Narrative Inquiry in Curriculum, Pedagogy and Professional Development
32 教师研究和教学研究 Teacher Research and Research on Teaching
33 肯定教学中的多样性和文化 Affirming Diversity and Culture in Teaching and Learning
34 新媒体和21世纪的学习 New Media and 21st Century Learning
35 社会和情感的发展与评估 Social and Emotional Development and Assessment
36 儿童认知发展与评估 Children Cognitive Development and Assessment
37 儿童和青少年的心理辅导 Counselling Children and Adolescents
38 动机、意志和学习行动 Motivation, Volition and Learning-in-Action
39 个人差异与学习 Individual Differences and Learning
40 态度测量和人格评估 Attitude Measurement and Personality Assessment
41 如何培养有创造力和快乐的学习者 How to Nurture Creative and Happy Learners
42 学校和社区组织的项目评估 Evaluation of Programs in Schools and Community Organizations
43 21世纪能力的评估和发展 Assessment and Development of 21st Century Competencies
44 教与学的理论、研究与实践 Theory, Research and Practice in Teaching and Learning
45 了解学习者的动机: 理论、研究与实践 Understanding Learner Motivation: Theory, Research and Practice
46 学习与发展中的手势: 理论、研究、实践 Gestures in Learning and Development: Theory, Research, Practice
47 戏剧制作 Theatre Making
48 戏剧教育、课程与评估 Drama Education, Curriculum & Assessment
49 作为演员的教师 The Teacher as Facili-Actor
50 基于艺术的研究 Arts-based Research
51 从页面到舞台 Page to Stage
52 社区中的戏剧 Theatre in the Community
53 儿童发展(0-8岁) Child Development (0-8 years)
54 儿童早期教育的问题和趋势 Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education
55 幼儿教育的研究调查 Research Investigations in Early Childhood Education
56 儿童早期教育的评估 Assessment in Early Childhood Education
57 婴儿和幼儿的课程设计 Curriculum Design for Infants and Toddlers
58 幼儿教育中的课程设计与开发 Curriculum Design and Development in Early Childhood Education
59 早期儿童教育中的多样性 Diversity in Early Childhood Education
60 早期干预 Early Intervention
61 早期儿童教育的专业性 Professionalism in Early Childhood Education
62 幼儿教育的教学法 Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education
63 评估原则和方法 Assessment Principles and Methods
64 评估系统的设计 Design of Assessment Systems
65 测量理论 Measurement Theories
66 态度测量和人格评估 Attitude Measurement and Personality Assessment
67 项目评估 Programme Evaluation
68 儿童认知发展与评估 Children Cognitive Development and Assessment
69 21世纪能力的评估和发展 Assessment and Development of 21st Century Competencies
70 初级统计学 Elementary Statistics
71 多变量统计 Multivariate Statistics
72 应用回归分析 Applied Regression Analysis
73 有特殊需要的儿童和青少年的评估 Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs
74 认证考试的做法 Practices of Certification Examinations
75 语言和文学教育 Language and Literature Education
76 分析文学和语言 Analyzing Literature and Language
77 英语作为一种国际语言 English as an International Language
78 语言教师教育和专业发展 Language Teacher Education and Professional Development
79 教材设计与开发 Materials Design and Development
80 口语交流教学: 当前的理论和方法 Teaching Oral Communication: Current Theories and Approaches
81 课堂上的语言评估及其他 Language Assessment in the Classroom and Beyond
82 第二语言习得与教学法 Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy
83 语法和写作教学 Teaching Grammar and Writing
84 多模态时代的阅读 Reading in a Multimodal Age
85 大众文化 Popular Culture
86 课堂上的创意写作 Creative Writing in the Classroom
87 文学、文化和教育 Literature, Culture and Education
88 莎士比亚教学 Teaching Shakespeare
89 文学理论与教学 Literary Theory and Teaching
90 世界文学 World Literatures
91 文学与电影 Literature and Film
92 英语课堂中的青少年文学 Young Adult Literature in the English Classroom
93 设计文学课程和评估的目的和方法 Aims and Approaches to Designing Literature Curriculum and Assessment
94 英语课堂中的儿童文学 Children's Literature for the English Classroom
95 新加坡文学教学 Teaching Singapore Literature
96 了解高能力的学习者及其情感和道德需求 Understanding Learners with High Ability and their Affective and Moral Needs
97 识别高能力学习者的潜力和实施干预措施 Identification of Potential and Administration of Interventions for High Ability Learners
98 为高能力学习者提供不同的课程和教学法 Differentiating Curriculum and Pedagogies for Learners with High Ability
99 高能力学生的批判性和创造性思维 Critical and Creative Thinking for High Ability Learners
100 学习科学的基础 Foundations of the Learning Sciences
101 学习科学的研究方法 Research Methodologies for the Learning Sciences
102 计算机支持的协作学习和知识建设 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building
103 作为认知工具的技术 Technologies as Cognitive Tools
104 以技术为媒介的学习环境的设计 Design of Technology-mediated Learning Environments
105 神经科学、技术和学习 Neuroscience, Technology and Learning
106 互动学习环境的设计 Design of Interactive Learning Environments
107 信息通信技术整合的技术和教学考虑因素 Technological and Pedagogical Considerations for ICT Integration
108 以技术为媒介的学习的教学领导力 Instructional Leadership for Technology-mediated Learning
109 混合式学习的设计 Design for Blended Learning
110 技术支持的评估 Technology Supported Assessment
111 教育设计研究 Educational Design Research
112 基于数字游戏的学习 Digital Game-Based Learning
113 语言教育的研究 Research in Language Education
114 加强学习的批判性和创造性思维 Critical and Creative Thinking to Enhance Learning
115 文学教育 Literature Education
116 新加坡马来语的特点 Features of the Malay Language in Singapore
117 马来语教学的校本课程设计 School-based Curriculum Design for Malay Language Teaching
118 文学教育 Literature Education
119 新加坡马来语的特点 Features of the Malay Language in Singapore
120 马来语教学的校本课程设计 School-based Curriculum Design for Malay Language Teaching
121 马来语和伊斯兰传统的教育 Education in Malay and Islamic Traditions
122 语言、读写能力与文化 Language, Literacy and Culture
123 文学批评与理论 Literary Criticism and Theories
124 语法理论 Theories of Grammar
125 双语与多语 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
126 马来文化与价值观 Malay Culture and Values
127 马来人的社会文化史 The socio-cultural History of the Malays
128 语言的批评方法 Critical Approaches to Language
129 利用儿童和青少年文学来促进社会情感的学习 Using Children and Young Adult Literature to Promote Social Emotional Learning
130 马来语课堂的学习评估 Assessment for Learning in Malay Language Classroom
131 数学教育研究中的理论观点与问题 Theoretical Perspectives and Issues in Mathematics Education Research
132 在数学教育中使用科技 Using Technology in Mathematics Education
133 数学的评估 Assessment in Mathematics
134 数学的课程研究 Curriculum Studies in Mathematics
135 代数和代数的教学 Algebra and the Teaching of Algebra
136 几何学与几何学的教学 Geometry and the Teaching of Geometry
137 统计和统计学的教学 Statistics and the Teaching of Statistics
138 问题解决和问题解决的教学 Problem Solving and the Teaching of Problem Solving
139 新加坡小学数学 Singapore Primary School Mathematics*
140 数字和数字的教学*。 Numbers and the Teaching of Numbers*
141 小学数学学习的心理学*。 Psychology of Learning Mathematics at the Primary Level*
142 当代数学教育的问题 Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education
143 数学教育中的国际问题 International Issues in Mathematics Education
144 音乐教育中的问题 Issues in Music Education
145 音乐教育中的哲学 Philosophy in Music Education
146 音乐教育中的大众文化和ICT Popular Culture and ICT in Music Education
147 音乐行为的研究 Studies in Musical Behaviours
148 科学和科学教育的基础 Foundations of Science & Science Education
149 科学课程改革和课程评估 Science Curriculum Change and Curriculum Evaluation
150 作为实践的科学 Science as Practice
151 科学学习中的替代概念和概念变化 Alternative Conceptions and Conceptual Change in Science Learning
152 科学话语: 语言、素养和论证 Science Discourse: Language, Literacy & Argumentation
153 科学教育中的表现与新媒体 Representations & New Media in Science Education
154 科学教育中的批评研究 Critical Studies in Science Education
155 STEM教育的历史、政策和研究趋势 STEM Education History, Policies, and Research Trends
156 STEM课程和教学 STEM Curriculum and Instruction
157 科学教育中的评估 Assessment in Science Education
158 特殊教育的问题和趋势 Issues and Trends in Special Education
159 人类发展 Human Development
160 学习障碍 Learning Disabilities
161 早期干预 Early Intervention
162 课程设计与开发 Curriculum Design and Development
163 特殊教育的循证实践 Evidence-based Practices in Special Education
164 对有特殊需要的儿童和青少年的评估 Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs
165 多层次支持系统(MTSS)为教育工作者建立成功的识字能力 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to Build Success in Literacy for Educators
166 泰米尔课程、材料包括信息技术:选择与评估 Tamil Curriculum, Materials including IT: Selection and Evaluation
167 教育中的泰米尔文学 Tamil Literature in Education
168 教育中的泰米尔语言 Tamil Language in Education
169 功能性泰米尔语句法 Functional Tamil Syntax
170 泰米尔语简介 泰米尔语的历史和文化 An Introduction to Tamil History and Culture of Tamil
171 泰米尔语言的评估 Assessment for Tamil Language
172 新加坡泰米尔教育和泰米尔文学的历史 History of Singapore Tamil Education and Tamil Literature
173 社会语言学和泰米尔语双语的介绍 An Introduction to Sociolinguistics and Bilingualism for Tamil
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