*香港大学法学院医学伦理与法律硕士(暂停招生)专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
医疗法律问题简介 |
Introduction to medico-legal issues |
2 |
律师医疗实践介绍 |
Introduction to medical practice for lawyers |
3 |
生物伦理学基础 |
Bioethics foundations |
4 |
医患关系 |
The physician-patient relationship |
5 |
生命的开始和结束 |
The beginning and end of life |
6 |
生物医学研究的规定 |
The regulation of biomedical research |
7 |
实习项目 |
Practicum project |
8 |
比较家庭法 |
Comparative family law |
9 |
全球信息技术法律和实践 |
Global information technology law and practice |
10 |
香港知识产权法 |
Hong Kong intellectual property law |
11 |
知识产权和信息技术 |
Intellectual property and information technology |
12 |
中国的知识产权保护:法律,政治和文化 |
Intellectual property protection in China: law, politics and culture |
13 |
知识产权,创新和发展 |
Intellectual property, innovation and development |
14 |
国际和比较知识产权法 |
International and comparative intellectual property law |
15 |
专利法 |
Patent law |
16 |
家庭法原则 |
Principles of family law |
17 |
隐私和数据保护 |
Privacy and data protection |
18 |
比较老人护理系统 |
Comparing systems of elder care |
19 |
新发传染病和“一个健康” |
Emerging infectious diseases and “one health” |
20 |
健康与社会 |
Health & society |
21 |
卫生经济学 |
Health economics |
22 |
卫生政策与政治 |
Health policy and politics |
23 |
人类健康:全球化世界的未来 |
Human health: futures in a globalized world |
24 |
个性化公共卫生 |
Personalised public health |
25 |
公共卫生原则 |
Principles of public health |
26 |
老龄化与健康 |
Ageing and health |
27 |
儿童和青少年心理健康 |
Children and Youth Mental Health |
28 |
医疗保健环境干预 |
Intervention in health care settings |
29 |
老年心理健康问题 |
Mental Health Problems in Old Age |
30 |
精神保健心理社会方法 |
Social work with persons with mental health problems |
31 |
与心理健康问题人士的社会工作 |