*香港大学教育学院教育学(国际环境下科学教学)硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
研究和探究方法 |
Methods of research and enquiry |
2 |
项目 |
Project |
3 |
学位论文 |
Dissertation |
4 |
将IB整合到汉语,数学和科学教学中 |
Integrating IB philosophy into the teaching of Chinese language, mathematics and science |
5 |
科学教学 |
Teaching and Learning in Science |
6 |
课堂研究与科学教学实践 |
Research and Science Teaching Practice in Classrooms |
7 |
科学教育的哲学,社会和文化方面 |
The philosophical, Social and Cultural Aspects of Science Education |
8 |
科学课程与评估 |
Science Curriculum and Assessment |
9 |
科学教育的趋势和问题 |
Trends and Issues of Science Education |
10 |
辅导和小组指导的理论与实践 |
Theories and practices in counselling and group guidance |
11 |
英语文学与语言艺术 |
Literature and language arts in English |
12 |
书面话语 |
Written discourse |
13 |
性教育的学校政策和课程 |
School policy and curriculum for sex education |
14 |
数学,科学及相关学科的教学框架 |
Pedagogical frameworks for mathematics, science and related subjects |
15 |
学生学习成绩的个人和家庭预测因素 |
Individual and home predictors of students’ academic achievement |
16 |
异常心理学和积极心理学 |
Abnormal psychology and positive psychology |
17 |
教师和课堂学习者对学生学习成绩的预测 |
Teacher and classroom predictors of students’ academic achievement |
18 |
以英语为第二语言学习和教学 |
Learning and teaching English as a second language for young learners |
19 |
咨询过程,道德操守和技能 |
Counselling process, ethics and skills |
20 |
咨询评估和干预 |
Counselling assessment and interventions |
21 |
青少年和年轻人的生活教育 |
Life education for adolescents and young people |
22 |
通识教育和通识教育的课堂研究 |
Classroom research in general studies and liberal studies |
23 |
中文口语交际教学:批判性讨论视角 |
Teaching oral communication in Chinese language: A critical discussion perspective |
24 |
统计方法简介 |
Introduction to statistical methods |
25 |
学习大脑 |
The Learning brain |
26 |
科技与第二语言教学 |
Technology and second language teaching and learning |
27 |
小班环境下小学学习的有效策略 |
Effective strategies for learning and teaching in small class environment for primary education |
28 |
高等教育创新 |
Innovation in higher education |
29 |
学术写作 |
Writing for academic success |
30 |
教师和教导员的个人成长 |
Personal growth of teachers and guidance personnel |
31 |
幼儿公共政策 |
Early Childhood Public Policy |